Getting Into a Good Routine for Learning at Home

We’re about three weeks away from school here in NYC and summer has definitely been… lax to say the least. School is going to be different this year and it has been a struggle for many to figure out back to school 2020. Nonethless, now that the school year is approaching it’s time for everyone to get back into a good school routine. Here are a few tips for getting into a good routine for school at home.

Start easing back into your “school bedtime” a few weeks before school starts.

Most families have a later bedtime once summer rolls around. Start pushing bedtime a little earlier about two weeks before school starts. Be consistent with your bedtime routine so your kids know what to expect every night.

Set an alarm for wake up time.

We failed at this when we fell into distance learning last year. Just because you aren’t leaving the house, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a consistent morning routine. Waking up before your kids will also help you prepare for the day ahead.

Meal plan. To some degree.

It does not have to be a rigid plan, but you already have the responsibility of helping your child (or children) with their learning. Establishing a meal plan will eliminate the stress of figuring out what your family is going to eat throughout the day everyday. I am not a meal planning expert in the least but friend Amiyrah over at 4HatsandFrugal can help you get your meal plan life RIGHT.

Get a calendar specifically for your school at home routine.

Organization will save your life. There are a bunch of free digital calendars/planners online. For me personally, I need to write things down. It doesn’t matter how many alarms go off I WILL NOT remember. I have a new “homeschooling” planner that I am going to try out with the boys this school year. Since RJ is going into the first grade, I know I am going to be the one keeping track of assignments/grades projects. So I need a printed out visual representation of everything. Here is the planner system I’m going to use.

Create a space specifically for school/home work.

If you live in a small space like me, this may be difficult. But it helps for children to work in a space that is not their kitchen/dining room table. Try to make the most of your space by looking into getting a small desk/workspace.

Give yourself grace. Adjust your routine as needed. Remember this is all new.

This one my friends, is the most important. Remember that you are in territory that you have not been in before. Even if you have homeschooled before, your child has never been in this grade. Give yourself and them grace. Your routine may need to change, and that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Having the ability to adjust and change based on your family’s needs makes you amazing.

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