I never expected to find myself in the position of being concerned about my physical health. I was the girl in my 20s that was skinny and by default, “healthy”. So, I never had much to worry about in terms…
5 Ways to Make Your Social Media a Happier Place
How often do you find yourself scrolling through your timeline and rolling your eyes? Oh girl on Facebook complaining again. Judgey Judith is on twitter worried about what everybody else is doing. Sara Snoops-A-Lot is all up and down the…
5+ Ways to Calm Your Anxiety and Get a Good Nights Sleep
I’m pretty sure I have already told you guys that I suffer from anxiety. Couple that with being an introvert that would rather stay to themselves and the conversations that I have in my head are non-freaking-stop. I’ve learned to…
5 Ways to Stay Genuinely Happy When Everything Feels Negative
I’m not sure what it is but I feel like everywhere you turn on social media someone is posting or sharing something that just doesn’t vibrate on a high frequency. I feel like we all have that one Facebook friend…
10 Self Care Apps You Can Use in Case Therapy Isn’t Your “Thing”
Not everyone has the time or the means to get to therapy. You may not be able to afford it or don’t have the time between working and mommy duties. I also get that unfortunately especially within the black community…
Let’s Take a Minute to Talk About Wellness – ShiftCon 2019
Growing up health and wellness were not topics that I heard discussed often. When they were discussed, it was often at a time that was too late for the person to benefit from the discussion. We wait until someone passes…
5 Tips to Deal with Maternal Separation Anxiety
You never really know what kind of parent you’re going to be. I worried from the very beginning about the type of mom I would be. Would I be too easy going? Would my kids listen? Am I capable of…
Self Care & My Revelation After A Trip to the Hair Salon
Last week I went to the hair salon after work. Let me preface it by saying it was DESPERATELY needed. The natural hair struggle is real, and topped with NYC’s winter weather? My hair was feeling like STRAW. So I was definitely overdue for an appointment and I knew I needed to just go and get it done. I have scheduled hair appointments over and over again but then cancelled for one reason or another because truthfully, I feel like it takes too long and I would rather be home with my kids. But I’m trying to develop better habits this year so in my head I was all “TREAT YOURSELF TANAY! SELF CARE!”.
5 Habits All Moms Need to Take With Them Into 2019
Happy New Year! I almost can’t believe I’m sitting here with you guys in 2019! The year flew by and it was definitely, a year! Last year I made a whole list of goals, that I provably revisited once or twice when I wasn’t resharing it with you guys and that… kinda sucks. This year I am focusing on creating better habits, versus sticking to specific resolutions and I figured I’d share a couple of mine that are related to motherhood. Here are a couple things we need to remember to do for ourselves and our families this year.
Handling the Slow Change in Seasons
Spring …. where you at? We got a quick peek over the weekend and then the frigidness of JANUARY was right back Sunday. I feel like the weather is a pretty accurate representation of my life right now though. I’m impatiently waiting for it to get warmer.. to feel more comfortable. And while I spend most of my days trying to crawl back under the covers and hide from the
6 Different Water Bottles That Will Help You SLAY Your ‘Drink More Water’ Resolution!
It sounds crazy but I really really struggle with drinking water still. If you’re rolling your eyes and saying “Tanay grow up!” then you’re absolutely right, I need to LOL. I started way before the new year, but one of my resolutions is to drink more water and to cut back on sugary drinks. because I literally can drink soda and juice ALL DAY.
I’m a visual person, and it’s probably just me being extra but I feel way more motivated to drink water when it’s in a cute water bottle and I actually drink more that way.
I’m Choosing Light
Happy Monday beauties! Last week was a tough one for everyone.I just wanted to pop in really quick and check on everyone and let you guys know I’m doing well! I think this is the most silent the blogging community has…