Back to School 2020 Memes That Will Make You Laugh So You Don’t Cry

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As a parent back to school is already stressful on a regular year. But 2020?!?! Every month of 2020 just seems to continute to outdo itself. The decision to homeschool, or hybrid school or whatever school is enough to make anyone crack. I know, because I’m there. There hardly seems to be a decision that will be convenient for everyone, make everyone happy, AND keep everyone safe. In light of all the madness, the internet as usual never disappoints. I LOVE a good meme (that’s probably why I spend so much time on Shaye’s site) or gif and these back to school 2020 memes have been one of the only things that have kept me from bursting into tears.

What are the choices again??

When someone asks what your city’s plan is….

Don’t worry, we’ll wait….

Realizing the online learning is probably going to be THE option

The professionals don’t even know what’s going on.

On the plus side, you’ll save money on those picture packages you purchase but never send!

Our kids may be grown before school reopens

And will they even remember anything?

So what do you say? Did these back to school 2020 memes put a smile on your face?

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