Does Nola Darling Finally Have it All Together? – She’s Gotta Have It Season 2 Review
We waited a whole long year and a half for season 2 of She’s Gotta Have it to come to Netflix. So when it was announced that Nola Darling was returning, I was nothing short of HYPE. I binged season 1 of She’s Gotta Have It while I was stuck on the couch, breastfeeding a 5 month old. It helped pass time, it entertained, and I (like everyone else) was enchanted by Nola Darling. I admired her free spirit, I craved her creativity and I loved her love for her friends. While it was obvious in season 1 that Nola did NOT have it all together, I still respected the women she portrayed.
So when the trailer was released for season 2, I knew I was going to spend the day binging. I had to see what had become of Nola Darling. Was she really going to have a successful relationship with Opal? Were her other lovers really out of the picture? Would Mars actually take off his Jordans? LOL. All of these things combined with the amazing creativity that I knew would come from Spike Lee found me on my couch, on release day, right in Fort Greene Brooklyn.
So does Nola Darling finally have it all together?
Not by a long shot. While I will admit she has things a little more figured out than in season 1, Nola is still Nola. Mess still seems to follow her no matter where she goes be it Skyler’s school, or Martha’s Vineyard. I found myself rooting for her way more this season, because I can’t lie I wasn’t team Nola in season 1 (I love you Mars). All throughout the season I do get the sense that Nola is just trying to live her normal. She is on a major glow up mission and the universe just won’t let her be great. She is the millennial woman personified. I see a little bit of myself and all of my friends in Nola. And she HAS somehow managed to develop healthy platonic relationships with 2 of her 4 past lovers, which deserves some credit. I admire how her relationship with Mars has grown. Though you can clearly see he is still in love with her all… season… long.
And season 2 of She’s Gotta Have It shows not only how Nola has grown, but her friends as well. Meka, Clorinda, Winnie and even Mars have all changed since the first season. We definitely got a lot more character development and less sex this season, which I didn’t find to be a bad thing. I know the whole essence of the show was based around Nola and her love life, but it was nice to take a break from her lovin’ bed and see how she was developing as a person and an artist. Fort Greene has switched it up and I loved all 9 episodes. Fingers crossed season 3 comes soon!
Did you binge She’s Gotta Have It yet? What’s next on your watch list?