Marie Kondo & 5 Things I Wish I Could #KonMari RIGHT Now

All up and down my timeline people are talking about Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and how they feel about Netflix’s latest trend. I honestly haven’t watched the show because my house is a mess and I don’t need someone to remind me that it is. But I do feel like I’ve learned the basics of the #KonMari method and decluttering to bring you joy. I mean in reality if we’re talking about getting rid of things that are excess and don’t bring you any joy then I have a few things in my life that I’m ready to KonMari.

These bills. And all the debt that comes with them.

Thats self explanatory isn’t it? There is NO JOY coming to my life from all these people trying to take my coins. They can go. Thank you, next.

My late night insomniac thoughts.

Does Marie Kondo give any tips for brain decluttering? Because if I could go to sleep and STAY asleep that would be great. I was literally up at 4am last night thinking about what I was going to be doing DAYS from now and how I could prepare. The middle of the night is also the time my anxiety is at its peak. I’m good with that.

My child’s preschool arts and crafts.

I am swimming in macaroni art. Where do mom’s keep these things? I haven’t figured out the balance of the school arts and crafts yet. I know there’s probably some kind of art to this or a secret mom society somewhere that discusses what to do with 14+ years of school art projects.

Every single person on my timeline that is still talking about sir Robert Kelly.

I don’t need that kind of energy in my life. I don’t want to step in the name of love. If y’all could just step off my timeline with your rapey perverted jokes that would be awesome. Go away go away go away.

The White House

Because that entire situation could use some tidying up. Any questions?

All in all, I’m probably going to avoid the Kondo show. It’s just a trend I’m not prepared to take on. I get way to invested in shows, and then before you know it my entire house would be empty or something like that. I’m already considering throwing out my entire wardrobe and starting over anyway!

Have you watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo? How’d you feel about it? What silly thing do you wish you could declutter?

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