I Took Control of My Time and Things Changed
Time management has never been my thing. And then I realized I had to make it my thing. Being a mom of two, having a full time job and trying to make something out of this little blog of mine is WORK. Add that in with trying to binge watch shows on Netflix, have the bare minimum of a social life to not be considered a hermit and have a whole relationship? Chile! If I didn’t make time management a priority before its not even optional now. It HAS to make sense.
The main thing I learned when I was figuring out this time management thing is that you have to prioritize your time. Whether that’s through time blocking, meticulous planning or just being REALLY on top of your ish, you have to find a system that works for you.
ENTER: Get Her Done! A Moms Guide to Managing Time for Every Stage of Life.

I was able to team up with 3 amazing women to bring you this resource.
Get Her Done! Is a collaborative course that will help you manage your time, no matter what stage of life you are in. Whether you’re a working mom, a mompreneur or you just need some help figuring out how to sort it all out, there is something for everyone in this course.
You receive:
- 1 hours worth of video content from 4 different perspectives all with helpful actionable tips to “get her done”
- A complete workbook filled with templated worksheets to help with time management.
- Bonus Content!!
So what do you say? Are you ready to take your time back? Enroll now. I look forward to you getting it done!