How to Handle Remote Learning When Your Child HATES it
For most, the new school year has started. Given the current climate, many families have transitioned to a remote learning curriculum. By now, you have probably gotten into a good routine for learning from home. But what do you do when your child hates remote learning? Here are some tips on how to deal.
Give yourself and your child grace.
This tip finds its way into all of my advice posts because it gets forgotten the most. This situation is hard on everyone. Parents, teachers and children are all adjusting. Give yourself grace to navigate the ‘new normal’. While schools transitioned to remote learning at the end of last year, the new school year is different. Programs used in the new school year may be different, and there will probably be a learning curve. Everyone deserves grace.
Set up a fun workspace.
Children thrive on routine. Having a separate workspace helps to stay free from distractions. The items and space that they need will of course vary based on their age. If you need some tips on getting organized, check out this post from my friend Carly over at Lipgloss and Crayons on Homeschool Organization.

Limit screen time.
Kids are going to be getting a lot more screen time now that their work is based online. Limiting screen time when learning isn’t schedule on will help avoid overstimulation. If screen time is unavoidable, consider a family TV option rather than individual screens such as tablets/iPads. Here are some educational shows on Netflix and Disney+ that you can add to your school day.
Get the teacher involved.
If your child hates remote learning then everyone will suffer. Teachers want the best for your children. And seriously, it’s their job. If your child is truly struggling their teacher is the best person to help you navigate. They may be able to help individualize a plan that will help your child work better in the remote learning environment.
Take a break.
Take a break from the school work. You can’t take break forever, but come back to it at a time that you and your child are equipped to handle it better. Prioritize the mental health of the both of you. You CAN do it. Even if it’s not in this exact moment. The beauty of learning from home is the flexibility it provides. You CAN come back to it.
Consider that it may be time to reconsider
I know for a lot of parents, the idea of homeschool has seemed so far out of reach. But I have been assured by countless women that homeschooling is nothing like the remote programs that have been set in place. The homeschool approach is much different & can be tailored specifically to the needs of you and you child. It feels much more doable when you look into the benefits. And frankly, much more doable in most cases than remote learning.
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Really helpful tips and ideas that everyone can follow through. Thanks for it.