The Very Best.. Of The Worst Moments in Tyler Perry’s A Fall From Grace
Lawd.. I warned y’all! Didn’t I say it? A few weeks ago when we caught a first look at Tyler Perry’s debut Netflix movie A Fall From Grace I told y’all it was going to be BAD. But in the spirit of supporting a black man that is literally changing the Hollywood game I gave my good brother Tyler those streams anyway. And as I predicted, A Fall From Grace was full of flubs. It’s almost to the point halfway through the movie I was wondering if I was being punked. It didn’t take very long at all to see that A Fall from Grace was going to be a typical TP production. I appreciated it more than some of his other productions. It was a welcome difference. Yet and still this is the internet, and the people are not as forgiving.
Here are some of the very best, of the worst A Fall From Grace Errors.
It didn’t take long at all actually:
Maybe they didn’t think we’d catch this phone flub:
A Fall From Grace definitely proved anyone could be an extra:
I mean I guess they didn’t really have to WASH the dishes:
And let us not forget the wiggery:
And it didn’t stop. Trust when I say A Fall from Grace errors were aplenty. But honestly at the end of the day, Tyler gave us exactly what we expected and we can’t fault him for that. People are still watching, sir is still getting those coins and we are still going to troll because black twitter ALWAYS remembers. For a movie that was filmed in 5 days, he did OK I guess.
A Fall From Grace is now streaming on Netflix. Watch with low expectations of perfection but prepare to be entertained!