Over the weekend an episode of Doc McStuffins entitled “The Emergency Plan” aired featuring a doll family that consisted of two moms and two children. In the episode, the doll couple (voiced by Wanda Sykes and Portia de Rossi) is separated by an Earthquake cause by one of the other toys in McStuffinsville because they do not have an emergency plan and concludes with them creating one after being reunited by Doc and her team.
While many praised the episode for its inclusion and diversity we know, theres always one. Organization ‘One Million Moms‘ has their panties in a bunch over ‘The Emergency Plan’ accusing McStuffins creator Chris Nee (who is an out lesbian) of pushing “an agenda” and veering away from family friendly content. They even go so far as to urge other “conservative families” to write to Disney urging them not to air the episode with the ultimatum being Disney not being allowed in their homes for “fear” of seeing commercials, reruns or previews of the episode. Dramatic much?
I can’t speak for anyone at Disney but I’m sure they’re paying One Million Moms no mind. Check out “The Emergency Plan” on Disney Junior or watch online here. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments below!
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